News and Views from Motion Learning
A Remote Future? - Coaching in a Virtual World
What does the future look like for coaching?
Having shared our clients’ and our colleagues’ views on how they have experienced remote coaching this year, we now want to think about some of the practical skills being brought to the fore, and look forward to a more varied coaching experience in the future.
Connecting in 2D - Coaching in a Virtual World
Coaching has changed dramatically during 2020.
The coaches at Motion share their experiences with executive coach and partner Rachel Morris about the reality of coaching in a virtual space, along with their coachees’ reactions and thoughts about the remote coaching experience.
Are you ready for coaching?
We all know there are times where having someone objective to talk to helps tremendously. Those moments when, through skilled conversation, complications and confusions begin to become crystal clear.
How do you know when you’re at one of those moments?
How do you choose an executive coach?
How do you choose an executive coach? How do you know the fit is right?
Rachel Morris, executive coach and partner at Motion Learning, shares her views on the signs of potential for a good coaching relationship and reveals some of the key qualities of any great coach.
Who’s listening to you?
We’ve been listening to a lot of people this year, which is good, as it’s our job to listen. There are a lot of things people want to talk through, work through and share – but in a quiet, safe space; away from all the noise.
We’ve asked a few of our coaches to tell us about what they’ve been listening to, and how they’ve been helping people this year.
The Importance of Resilience
Demonstrating resilience, overcoming barriers and hurdles, and bouncing back are more and more frequent topics of conversation in our work with clients.
We’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple of years talking to our clients and our network about resilience and it's not hard to understand why. A recent study on reactions to the current global economic crisis highlighted the range of reactions and depth of emotions that are stirred up by the uncertainty we all currently face.
Leading in Tough Times
What should leaders be doing to get businesses through 'tough times'? What really works?
Using a balance of your head, your heart and your gut instincts can take you a long way in a crisis, if you can get the balance right. Authenticity is also critical