News and Views from Motion Learning

Motion Opinions Howard Rich Motion Opinions Howard Rich

Lessons on Happiness from Experts

Faced with the continuing pandemic, civil disquiet and an overdue focus on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion, it can be difficult to feel a sense of happiness.

The answer is not to ignore the wider world, but respond in an authentic way, tapping into the wisdom of others to learn some key lessons.

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Coaching Services Howard Rich Coaching Services Howard Rich

An Evening with Martin Seligman - Revisited

Just over 3 years ago we went to see Martin Seligman share his views on Happiness and Positive Psychology in London. We think it’s worth sharing again our notes and reactions to his talk.

Martin Seligman, the “father of positive psychology”, was in London, sharing his views on happiness with over 900 people in a packed venue, where at least 60% of the audience, according to Martin, were engaged in the topic! The other 40% were too busy indulging in sexual fantasies, apparently…

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