Meet Sophia Taylor

Sophia Taylor

Long standing colleague and more recently coach at Motion, we’re delighted to have Sophia as part of our team.

With a wealth of experience in management and HR, which she’s always too modest about, Sophia brings warmth and humour, along with genuine empathy and interest to her work with her clients.

We grabbed a bit of time with Sophia to see what’s happening in her world at the moment.

1.  So, what are you up to this week?

Like a lot of people this week I’m still juggling home schooling with my coaching work.  And another lockdown half term looming!  But at least we have had some snow, which has been a most welcome change of scenery! 

2. What’s the most exciting project you’re working on at the moment?

I’m working with a few clients at the moment who are going through some career changes.  We are starting with self-awareness and I’m doing some really interesting work with them and their Myers Briggs profiles, looking at preferences and confidence.

I’m also working with some of the Motion team on outplacement coaching which I think is a really valuable option for organisations and individuals in these challenging times. I’m looking forward to seeing where we take it!

3. How are you finding your clients have been coping over the last year?

I’m hearing a lot about worries and anxieties related to feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control, brought on by the uncertainty of this pandemic.  I’m also working with people who have decided now is the right time for a change and are taking time for themselves to re-evaluate their goals.

 4. How do you help them?

Verbalising concerns, worries and anxieties is the first step.  Naming them, getting to the nub of the worry and breaking it down into smaller chunks can help us look at them in a different way.  Looking at the bigger picture helps us get a reference point and prioritising each concern can help give structure.  Using a different lens to look at things also gives a different perspective on how we can manage these concerns.

Taking time to really focus on goals helps those clients who are taking time to re-evaluate. 

5. Tell us a bit about your own background and experience

My background is in retail HR.  I started right out of university and kind of fell into it.  I worked for some amazing brands and always in cultures that I really identified with.

6. How do you draw upon it when coaching?

I often reflect on the challenging situations and difficult conversations I had regularly whilst working in HR.  I reflect on the reasons for having these conversations, which were often really uncomfortable.  My motivation was consistent; I wanted to help an individual move forward.  My motivation is the same now I’m coaching.  I often think back to how I approached my work in HR; what went well, what didn’t go so well.  I use all this experience, learnings and reflections to help my clients find different perspectives, in order to help move them from where they are now, to where they want to be.

7. How would you describe your coaching style?

Empathetic, supportive, reflective, measured and calm.

9. What tips do you have for executives who are struggling with work - life balance?

Spend a few minutes completing a balance wheel.  Sometimes the simplest tool can help you see the bigger picture.  Use the tool to prioritise what is most important and make a note of how much of your time you spend on each segment.  From there we can see if there’s an imbalance and talk through strategies for working towards more balance.

10. What about people who are feeling out of control?  

Think about the things you can control and those you can’t.  Make a note and talk them over with a colleague or coach.  Pay attention only the things you can control.  Prioritise and use all available resources to help deal with the things you can control.  It can really help to get some distance from those things we cannot control.  So I encourage clients to step away from the list of things that are out of their control.  Set timescales to re-evaluate and return to the list of things currently out of your control to make sure they are still out of your control. If they are – leave them alone. 

11. How do you manage your own mental wellbeing?

I practise Yoga and I exercise.  If I feel stressed or anxious, I go for a run.  I am a reflector, so I need quiet time and a space to reflect and manage my options.  I also talk to my supervisor if I’m struggling to get past something.

12. What are you looking forward to most?

A holiday!

13. What’s the one secret you think everyone should be aware of?

Be kind to yourself; look after yourself.  Put your oxygen mask on first before you try to help anyone else with theirs.


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