Meet Rob Olorenshaw

We're delighted to have Rob Olorenshaw join our team of highly experienced associates this year.

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With years and many hundred's of hours of coaching executives and managers under his belt, he brings a calm approach and a great deal of wisdom, as well as a wry sense of humour!

We recently asked Rob to tell us a little more about what’s going on in his world

1. So, what are you up to this week?

I always try and balance my time (I choose to work part time), but no week is the same, even in lockdown! I’m on a fitness kick at the moment so starting every day with some light exercise or a walk. I’ve got 4 coaching sessions this week (all virtually as is the norm now), I’m also helping an ex-colleague put together a quite complex business proposal. I will also keep in touch with my daughters and friends, and I have a committee meeting for my rugby club where I am a Director. I like to be busy and this is a nice week!

2. What’s the most exciting project you’re working on at the moment?

I’m just starting work with a new client, who I think is in an enormously challenging role and environment. Whilst it is very early days, I can’t wait to support her and see how I can be most useful as her coach.

3. How are you finding your clients are coping with 2020?

Everyone is different! One of the people I work with has made enormous strides in her relationship with her boss and the ability to make change happen. Despite the challenges of the pandemic she has seen her confidence grow dramatically.

I think there are some common themes – working remotely is tough and tiring, being able to think through issues and implement changes quickly, finding ways to refresh yourself and keep energy high.

4. How do you help them?

Coaching gives quality time to really step back and think through key issues. I help by listening carefully, nudging thinking, helping them come up with solutions and stay strong.

5. Tell us a bit about your own background and experience

I’ve been coaching for over 7 years and I love it! I qualified though the International Coach Federation and find their approach very helpful. Prior to that I spent over 20 years in a range of executive level roles in various corporates.

6. How do you draw upon it when coaching?

I have always loved leading people, so I draw on that experience. I have also “sat in the shoes” of some of the people I coach so I have a good understanding of their challenges. However, it’s essential that anyone I am working with comes up with their own solutions and actions and for me to stay neutral.

7. How would you describe your coaching style?

By its nature coaching is a supportive activity. However, healthy challenge is also important. We aren’t there to have a nice chat 😊 so I will tend to “call out” what I see and hear. As I said earlier everyone is different so being able to adapt my coaching style to suit what works for each person is also important.

8. How do you manage your own mental wellbeing?

By staying physically fit, making sure I have balance in my life and having close friends and colleagues who I can talk openly with. I also try hard to “choose my mood” and be as positive as I can (definitely not easy to do at the moment!).

9.  What are you looking forward to most?

Probably like many people I am really missing holidays, particularly being away with our close friends. A group of us have booked to go to South Africa and take in the British Lions rugby trip at the same time. This is late July and I really can’t see it happening.


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