Ticker News Interview - Leadership for Thriving Organisations

Forecasts for the global economy may speak of choppy waters. But the path of business (like love!) never runs smoothly. It's always filled with peaks and troughs.

And building a thriving organisation is possible in any economic climate. We see brilliant leaders do it all the time.

In a recent interview on Ticker News Insights, Motion Learning's Rachel Morris spoke to Ticker News host, Mike Loder on how to lead thriving organisations in any economic climate.

Drawing upon her experience as an executive business coach, Rachel shares insights into why C-Suite leaders hold the power to building a great culture.

In the interview Rachel and Mike discuss:

➡️ The 3 traits C-level execs need to cultivate to navigate the choppy waters.

➡️ The definition of a "thriving organisation".

➡️ The 3 mistakes for CEOs to avoid at all costs.

➡️ And plenty more in six minutes!


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