Positively Thriving - Rachel Morris Interviewed by Go Solo

Henry Ford's famous maxim of ""whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right" is one that we believe in wholeheartedly here at Motion Learning.

As an entrepreneur, you think you're going to grow a business. Then you realise your business is growing you!

In her latest interview our co-founder Rachel Morris talks about the lessons we learnt back when Motion Learning was only four years old and the 2008 recession landed seemingly overnight.

She remembers the reality of those challenging times and reflects upon how it strengthened our team's belief in mindset. The power of our mind is an incredible force and strongly linked to outcomes.

Our team created a belief in our business of "we've got this". And that set us up to survive and thrive.

Fine out more of Rachel’s advice to new leaders, including recognising that the truth is entrepreneurship is about getting comfortable with the unknown. No easy feat!

Read the full interview here: https://gosolo.subkit.com/motion-learning/



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